Dream it. Seed it. Make it. Ship it!

How do you test a solution/product and get feedback to get it market ready? This is a very good question! From our perspective, here at Convert Technology, with our DAT-Air solution, the answer to this is to run a series of targeted Facebook and LinkedIn campaigns. As people may have seen, we have announced our […]

Are you really listening to your customers?

A recent survey by Walker Research (Customers 2020: A Progress Report, 2017) highlighted the point that by 2020, customer experience (CX) will overtake price as a key product differentiator. These days, CX can be summed up in one phrase – super connected.  In last week’s blog, we discussed the merits of disruptive and sustaining technologies, such […]

Don’t Go Out Unprotected!

Why you should patent your invention… Most successful businesses, large and small, are built on well managed intangible assets or intellectual property (IP). Pizza Hut, KFC & McDonald’s have all used their IP to establish franchises across the globe, while Coca Cola’s secret recipe and trade mark logo have stood the test of time and […]

Disruptive v Sustaining Technology

Which one wears the crown and what’s the difference? Back in 1997 the term disruptive technology was used by Clayton M. Christensen in his best-selling book “The Innovator’s Dilemma”. Working as a Harvard Business School professor, he analysed the difference between disruptive and sustaining technology, to show the impact on profitability of businesses. Disruptive technology […]